File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 126

Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 10:27:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: Thomas Seay <>

<<is opposite view I take now on this question. To
hurl insults and  calls for
expulsion is to be hopelessly lost as to the reality
of what is on the 

You are obviously talking about me (among others).

How many more people have to get burnt out by these
vanguard organizations? (Speaking from personal
experience and the experience of many others of my

How many times for the "sake of unity" (a ploy always
used by WWP and SWP among others) do we have to limit
the thrust of the movement?  Recently here the
question of taking a position on the reactionary
Taliban and
what would we be a positive position to take on
justice and security (questions on the minds of
americans and people of the world) was not even
allowed to be brought up as a discussion topic (voted
down on your NECESSARY vanguardist organizations)
because it would destroy unity!!!!!

Unity Unity Unity....this is always the excuse FUCKING
VANGUARDISTS give for defering the real questions. 
What we need is UNITY to throw their decepit shit out
of the movement.

MacDonald, you are an example of this.  You think that

vision of the future is secondary when we have a war
going on.  That's bullshit.  It is all the more
important that there be some kind of vision....else
sooner or later it will all disintegrate into cynicism
(recall the history post-Vietnam)>.  And because the
vanguardists are more organized and have their shitty
boring newspapers, they will be able to present their
"vision".  They should be allowed to do so, but their
vision needs to be exposed and their tactics need to
be exposed as well, else they will continue to
contaminate our movement...

Maybe as has been suggested by another group member,
I am getting bent out of shape over a neglible force
(such as WWP).  This could be true, but when you look
at the history of the Left in the United States, you
can see the pernicious effect of such groups.

Some would agree (I have done it in the past) that
we need to target the main enemy (capitalism)
and not concentrate on these people.  That is
tantamount to asking a sprinter whose feet are hobbled
to concentrate on the finish line.

While being critical of the United States and
capitalism, I will be damned if North Korea or China
present a better future to which we should aspire.


===="The tradition of all the dead generations
 weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living"

-Karl Marx

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