File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 153

From: "Kai Holt" <>
Subject: Re: AUT: What Taliban must do.
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 06:24:55 +0100

I was just trying to work out how I might see things if I were Mullah Omar. It helps
give me, and maybe, and others a better ideas as to how they think.

Otherwise I understand your point.

hi all

>The strategy that the Taliban will adopt is a defensive one...

Kai, I'm sure all the Taliban subscribers to this list will greatly
appreciate your comments on how to conduct a guerilla war. After all none of
them were involved in the defeat of the Red Army. Perhaps you should
volunteer for their international brigades. You'd have to convert to Islam
first but that's a small price to pay for being part of what will no doubt
be a world-historic defeat of imperialism. BTW you forgot to mention that
they should slaughter any domestic opposition.


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