File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 176

Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 13:12:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Thomas Seay <>
Subject: Re: AUT: Hardt interview (Historical Materialism)


I have a question which I would like to ask Hardt.

Namely, I would like him to comment on the issue of
nationalism and the events of September 11th.  Empire,
in the "postmodern" era,
is portrayed as one space, as opposed to the
dialectical conflicts between nations that figured
in the "modern" era.  How does Hardt situate
the events of September 11th within Empire, given that
we have on the seen both a sort of Empire vs the
"rogue"  as well as a heightened sense of nationalism
here in the US (wag waving, talks of limiting foreign
students, tighter control of borders, etc)?

-Thomas Seay

===="The tradition of all the dead generations
 weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living"

-Karl Marx

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