File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 180

Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 08:09:28 +0100 (BST)
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Richard=20Bailey?= <>
Subject: Re: AUT: Why People Join Vanguard Organizations?

That is the most patronising bullshit I have ever

I am a member of a "Vanguardist organisation". I am
the first to admit that organisations like mine have
been (and still are) sectarian towards
anarchist/autonomist groups/individuals. But mirroring
this sectarianism makes you no better.

I joined because I happen to think that a
revolutionary party is critical to achieving a
successful revolution. Disagree if you want but don't
accuse me of seeking a social circle.

Not everyone who joins initally has this level of
committment. Most join because it is leninist
organisations that are usually the most visibly active
and because they ask people to join them.

Your understanding of how leninist organisations does
not reflect my experience of the ISO (and I do have
criticisms of it). Anarchists and Autonomists hate
nothing more than when leninists group you all
together worshipping Bakunin and Proudhon. Please do
not do the same to leninists. We are not all like the
Spartacist League.

Richard Bailey

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