File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 182

Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 21:56:11 +1000
From: "-AT-ndy" <>
Subject: AUT: New book on political prisoner Mark Barnsley

From: Lesley Turner []


Mark Barnsley's Struggle for Justice
With an Introduction by former Political Prisoner John Barker

Published by Justice For Mark Barnsley.
Available October 2001.
Paperback, 92 pages, Illustrated.

£6 -includes post & packing.
(Orders from outside Europe- £7)
ISBN: 1-873605-89-7

Mark Barnsley is one of Britain's 'secret' political prisoners, a
hostage of the State. In 1994 he was attacked by 15 middle-class
students, and ended up sentenced to 12 years in prison for supposedly
attacking them. This was no 'accidental' miscarriage of justice, but a
calculated move by the British State to 'take out' a political activist,

a long standing thorn in their side.

In The Hands Of The Enemy takes over where Beaten Up, Fitted Up, Locked
Up, the first Justice for Mark Barnsley pamphlet, left off. Using
articles written by friends, comrades, fellow-prisoners, and by Mark
himself, In The Hands Of The Enemy tells the story of a political
prisoner described by Prisons Minister Paul Boateng as "a major
ringleader for prisoners unrest", and exposes the depths that the State
will go to to deal with it's enemies.

If, no matter how light-heartedly, you've ever classed yourself as an
enemy of the State, you should read this before it's too late, and you
too find yourself In The Hands Of The Enemy.

"This book will arouse indignation against a system which can treat
ordinary people in such a way. It will also inspire others to take up
the campaign for justice, not only for Mark Barnsley, but for victims of

miscarriages of justice everywhere."  Direct Action.

"The critical articles on what prison conditions are - and what our
rulers are planning for them to be - mean this book is indispensable for

anyone who believes in a freer or fairer society. Anyone who believes in

revolutionary change would learn a lot from this book: this is not just
a warning of what the state can (and will) do, but also an inspiring
account of revolutionary principles in action."  Kate Sharpley Library.

"The police, the students, the local press and the judge by their
actions have entered into a conspiracy to deprive an innocent man of his

freedom ... The actions of the state have made Mark Barnsley a political

prisoner. I support the campaign to free Mark Barnsley." Mark Thomas.

"Each day I'm held within the clutches of a thousand tyrants, big and
small, who continue to do everything they can to break me. The abuses
that I am subjected to should be condemned, and loudly, but ultimately
they will make no difference, they will certainly never achieve their
aim of bringing me to my knees. I remain defiant, and will continue to
fight for justice until my dying breath." Mark Barnsley, Wakefield

Support Mark's Campaign by calling your local bookshop/library and
asking them to stock In The Hands Of The Enemy. Order the book by post,
direct from Justice for Mark Barnsley. Please make cheques/Postal Orders

payable to: 'Justice for Mark Barnsley'.

Justice for Mark Barnsley, PO Box 381, Huddersfield, HD1 3XX, England.
For more info:
Phone: 07944 522001

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