File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 187

Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 16:46:43 -0500
Subject: AUT: Hands off the PFLP!

On August 27, Israel murdered the Secretary-General of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Abu Ali Mustafa. This unprecedented act of state terrorism is only the most blatant in a long record of assassinations of leaders and activists of the Palestinian liberation movement. They are the expression of the criminal character of the Zionist rule depriving the Palestinian people of the most elementary human rights.

As long as Israel continues to occupy Palestinian land, refuses the right to return of millions of Palestinians refugees, erects Jewish settlements, destroys the Palestinian economy and agriculture, robs the scarce water resources, restricts the right to move and forces the Palestinian people to live in besieged Bantustans the popular resistance cannot and will not be stopped regardless of the monstrosity of crimes committed by the Israeli occupation forces.

The Palestinian liberation struggle against Israel is legitimate and has the unconditional and full support of the anti-imperialist forces of the world. 

The recent liquidation of the Israeli minister Rehavam Ze^Òevi ^Ö who used to be an open advocator of the annihilation of the Palestinians as a people ^Ö has to be seen as the Palestinian answer to the deliberate assassination of Palestinian leaders by the Israeli armed forces. In this sense, it is evidence of the ability of the Palestinian liberation movement and especially the Brigade Abu Ali Mustafa, the military wing of PFLP, who claimed responsibility for the operation, to strike back. 

Following the directives of the US state department that only recently declared the PFLP to be one of the world^Òs most dangerous ^Óterrorist^Ô organisations the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) has not only taken some twenty PFLP officials into custody but also banned the PFLP^Òs military wing. (First reports even spoke of a ban of PFLP altogether but apparently the PNA had to withdraw from such tremendous treachery.) This not only shows how much Arafat^Òs PNA is driven by the narrow interests of the parasitic and corrupt ruling clique. But it is also a clear evidence of the far-reaching control Israel and its imperialist masters exert upon the PNA using it as one of their diverse instruments against the Palestinian liberation struggle.

They definitely will not pass! The PFLP is not a terrorist organisation but the most consequent expression of the Palestinian liberation struggle. It is not only one of its oldest currents (as a historical movement older than Arafat^Òs Fatah), but also genuinely rooted among and inextricably linked the Palestinian popular masses. Its strength has increased considerably in the last period since the collapse of Oslo and became evident especially with the outbreak of the new Intifada. The PFLP is the vanguard of the revolution against imperialism, Zionism and the Arab reactionary bourgeois regimes and as such regarded by the international anti-imperialist movement as its very own spearhead. 

Attacking the PFLP means attacking the legitimacy of the Palestinian liberation struggle and the anti-imperialist struggle as a whole. Therefore we will defend our Palestinians brothers and comrades with all our strength. 

Repeal the ban of the Abu Ali Mustafa brigade!
Free all political prisoners held by the PNA!
For the immediate withdrawal of the Zionist occupation troops!
For a sovereign Palestinian state in Gaza and West Bank with Jerusalem as capital as a first step to a democratic, secular and anti-imperialist state in entire Palestine!
For an international front of popular and revolutionary forces to defeat imperialism!


We call upon all democratic and anti-imperialist organisations to support this call!


Anti-imperialist Camp
October 23, 2001

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