File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 221

Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2001 21:07:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Thomas Seay <>
Subject: Re: AUT: Taliban apologetics (bullshit)

> Are these actually Scott's points? I thought they
> was fwded by Scott

Well, I thought he was supporting those points.
I will admit I am "trigger happy"...I am really pissed
off at the vanguard left and their positions on this
question and lash out very quickly.

> Anyways, I wonder: how do/should I/you/we 'oppose'
> both the Taliban and
> US intervention?

Well, I suppose I really should differentiate between
the Taliban and the terrorist attack.  These people
kill innocent people and they are very reactionary.
The vanguard left (which happens to have taken the
in many anti-war coalitions) refuses to raise slogans
denouncing the terrorist action...I just dont buy the
line that the vanguard people espouse (but hide)
that America is the main enemy and are ultimately
responsible for what happened on September 11th.
I feel like the people of the world deserve an
explanation for the 6000 people who died on 9/11
and just blaming it ALL on US imperialism doesn't
work...not only is it simplistic thinking, it will
also alienate people who might be anti-war from the

> There's probably worse fates than being condemned by
> the New
> Zealand/Aotearoa section of the Liaison Committee of
> Militants for a
> Revolutionary Communist International (LCMRCI or

No doubt there are worse fates...such as being blown
in the World Trade Center OR by one of the bombs that
the US military are dropping over Afghanistan now.


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