File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 231

From: "Harald Beyer-Arnesen" <>
Subject: AUT: endnote Algeria. + the ongoing war and the idiot left 
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 18:05:18 +0200

This discussion seems to be going in circles, leading nowhere. If
you think my approch as regards to Algeria would have been un-
realistic, so fine. If your objections are based on other reasons, I
think you find yourself caught within a capitalist game. You may
think as much as you will that I "do not assume French colonialism
into the equation," and that  I "tend to ignore it". I find this claim
ridiculous. Nothing more to say about that.

As for the piece you forwarded about "fundamentalism," all I can
say it is not only an expression of ignorancy  but a willed ignorancy,
which is worse. This denial of realites that stares on in the face
only goes to show much the left is part of the problem, pawns in
a capitalists games, and how far the level of stupefication has

About the ongoing war in Afghanistan:
The only thing that can be said for certain is that _whoever_ "wins"
this war there will be unforseen negative consequences linked to
and following from this "victory."  I am all for that the war ends in this
very minute. If that is what is meant by an US defeat, I am all for it.
I am also all for a revolution in the United States and elsewhere
but it is not coming tomorrow. When people are calling for a US
defeat in military terms (rather than due to different forms of political
pressure, including for instance mass-strikes and blocades) it only
goes to show the degree of absurdity and complete unreality of the
idiot left. The only way US could be defeated in strictly military
terms is if the war spreads and develops into a third world war
situation, and even then it is not very likely. But I am sure the idiot
left would be glad  to stand and appalud from a safe distance as
the slaughtering unfolds. With fools like that as "friends," who
needs enemies.


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