File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 237

Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2001 18:12:50 +1000
From: "-AT-ndy" <>
Subject: Re: AUT: Why Are People So Unkind?

Sergio Fiedler wrote:

> Andy,
> I completely disagree with Richard.

That may well be the case Sergio. But until such time as you, like me, state
the grounds upon which you disagree with Richard, I for one am none the

> An my experience in the ISO is completely different than his, but please
> address the political issues he is raising for disucssion rather then
> attacking him personally for something he wrote ages ago.

I _have_ addressed the political issues he is raising. Before doing so,
however, I felt compelled to point out that, given Richard's enthusiastic
support for sectarian behaviour towards me personally in the past, he was
actually being hypocritical in advising anarchist/autonomist
groups/individuals not to mirror the sectarianism of "vanguardist
organisations" in the present. Further, if I attacked Richard "personally"
(sic), it was on the basis of his previously _publically_ stated position
that it was not only advisable but very necessary for me to be silenced from
participating in an electronic forum for Australian students... on the
grounds that I was a worthless idiot.

Now, I'm sorry if you don't think I should have taken Richard's calling me
an "idiot", as being full of "crap", a garbage vendor, etc., etc., etc., as
being irrelevant to my response to his appeal for comradely attitudes on the
part of aut-op-sy list-members, but I honestly don't see why. In fact, I
think it's quite apt, for until such time as Richard indicates he's had a
change of heart on this matter, 'something he wrote ages ago' will remain a
faithful reflection of his opinion both now and in the future.

> I found your practice of keeping files on what people have said in email
> lists extremely extremely problematical.

I don't "keep files" on what people have said in email lists: why on earth
do you assume that I do? Well, I guess you must not know this, but most
newsgroups on yahoo - including the national_broadleft list - provide for
the possibility of there being archives of posts accessible either
publically (ie., by anyone) or to list-members only. Now, on reading
Richard's post, I remembered what had occurred previously, but - recognising
the fact that my memory is only partial (at best) - I decided to look up
what Richard had actually written in order to confirm my original
impression. You're free to view this as being 'deeply problematical'
behaviour if you like.

In any case, whatever "issue" I have with Richard has been dealt with - and
will hopefully continue to be dealt with - off-list. On that matter, suffice
it to say that Richard's continuing expressions of concern over the state of
my mental health (in private) will continue to inspire me in my (public)
role as occasional aut-op-sy contributor.

Springtime and lollipops,


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