File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 26

Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 10:23:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Thomas Seay <>
Subject: AUT: IMHO, You Both Are Wrong (Chris & N&L)


In my opinion both letters (yours and N&L) are
nitpicking and nasty.  They have nothing to do with
civil discussion.  It is surprizing because I know
that you are above this type of behavior.

For example:

>this basis that we have to call the people who did
this the "most
>reactionary, backward elements imaginable"?  Is this
act more cruel
>the one million people killed in Iraq by the US since

Now, you read N&L as saying that this act was
MORE reactionary than some of the US actions.  I dont
read it that way.  I read it as saying that it was an
incredibly reactionary act...which it was.  Rather
than zeroing in on the word "MOST" and ASSUMING that
by that they meant that these actions were MORE
reactionary than some of the US actions, why could you
not have just asked?

<<So why the references to 'mindless', 'the most
reactionary, backwards
>elements', the denial of rationality, and so on? 
This kind of 
>does nothing more or less than support the racist
construction of all
>Muslims as irrational, mindless fanatics.>>

To call the terrorists mindless is not tantamount
to calling all Muslims terrorist.  It's seems that is
a connection that you make.  

Chris, I am very impressed by your analysis in most
cases on this mailing list.  However, I really think
that your criticism in this case was exaggerated and
tended to project on to the N&L commentary meanings
that were not there.

Now maybe as a result of your personal connections
that you have with them, you know more than I do about
their position..My comment is based strictly on these

Quite frankly, this exemplifies one of the problems
that I see on the Left.  Very often when there is a
difference, we make the very worst assumptions about 
those with whom we share the difference.  Instead of
trying to understand their position and question them
about it, we tear them apart.  I am not suggesting
that differences be ignored, but I am suggesting civil
dialogue instead of "kicking ass".


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