File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 270

From: "Peter Jovanovic" <>
Subject: Re: AUT: RE: Hydrocarbons and a New Strategic Region: The Caspian Sea and
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2001 14:51:11 +1100

hi all

on the subject of the cause of the US war on afghanistan i'll tentatively 
venture an alternative explanation. i say tentatively because i haven't done 
any research on this but here goes.

the bombing could be considered part of the 'new enclosures' that midnight 
notes have written about. given the failure of the Taliban and before them 
the Northern Alliance and Communist govts to impose full-blown capitalist 
social relations upon the peasants of afghanistan the US has decided it has 
to do the job itself. i read recently (in an ISO/SWP pub. i think) that in 
1979 afghanistan had only 30000 wage workers with most of the rest of the 
population being peasants. i'd imagine the figure would be even smaller 
today. so with various local rulers being unable to expropriate the 
peasantry and turn them into proletarians the US has to do it.

a similar explanation has been advanced for the Kosovo war by Greek 
ultra-lefties TPTG. namely that when milosevic was unable to break up the 
Kosovar social system of clan based agriculture the US had to step in. 
without alleging a formal conspiracy between Slobo and Clinton we can see 
how their efforts complemented each other. the US bombing leads to mass 
expulsion of Kosovars, their return to their fields is impeded by masses of 
unexploded munitions and NATO occupies the place. the wars in Croatia and 
Bosnia also included the mass expulsion (and murder) of peasants from their 
homes and land. unlike most of the rest of european Communist states 
yugoslavia didn't have big 'communal' farms that could be sold off as 
capitalist enterprises, most agriculture there was on individual small 

this conjecture of mine obviously could do with some fleshing out. comments 


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