File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 28

Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 15:13:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: for a new world <>
Subject: Re: AUT: IMHO, You Both Are Wrong (Chris & N&L)

> Quite frankly, this exemplifies one of the problems
> that I see on the Left.  Very often when there is a
> difference, we make the very worst assumptions about
> those with whom we share the difference.  Instead of
> trying to understand their position and question
> them
> about it, we tear them apart.  I am not suggesting
> that differences be ignored, but I am suggesting
> civil
> dialogue instead of "kicking ass".
> Thomas

Very well said Thomas,
i can never understand why comrades in class struggle
get so nit-picking and are so willing to engage in
'flame wars' (a term i had never heard of before and
discovered on this list)... my view of the left
especially the extarparlamentary left is that there's
a few of us and a lot of everyone else, and we should
act in solidarity with each other, and try to look
past our disagreements rather than isolate them and
make them a point of argument... we must discuss the
many many theortical disagreements on the left, of
course, but we must do so civilly as you point out...

the reason i'm so quick to respond to this subject is
b/c i just heard an interview with christoper hitchens
yesterday and he was discussing some of the polemics
between he and chomsky after the wtc attacks, and i
was basically thinking what is this ridiculous
bullshit while i was listening to the interview? i was
thinking is this something i want to be part of, the
same movement as these guys? it really threw me for a
loop. so, please let's try to noy be as infantile and
argumentative as the 'celebrities' of the left can be
and often are (not that hitchens and chomsky are two
of the brighter thinkers on the left)...
in struggle,

===="We are not inventors of anything. We are just readers of Marx, and political revolutionary agitators in our time."
 -Antonio Negri-

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