File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0110, message 47

Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2001 10:14:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Thomas Seay <>
Subject: AUT: Prude Leftists: Apollo vs Dionysus

<<Tahir: I don't hang out with any [Leftists]because
most of them are prudes. You 
can't have fun with people who are prudes. 

I find this to be a topic worth pursuing.  Now in 
San Francisco I find that there are leftists that
do not fit this mold, but there are a lot that do.
Why is that?

Is it because a lot of Leftists are so devoted
to political work that they don't have time for any
fun...and become dull?  And maybe we should narrow the
range from Leftists to marxists (because anarchists
seem to have fun).  Is it because of marxisms legacy
of modernist rationalization...does this rationalistic
worldview end up creating dull rational people?      

One thing that strikes me about the 60s, is that
there was an aesthetic aspect to it (that Louis
Proyect never fails to rage against).  Dionysus was
(perhaps sometimes too much), whereas we hardly see
that god on the left these days.  The marxist left
seems to only worship at the altar of Apollo.  Maybe
we need to all go "get drunk and have a good shag."


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