File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2001/aut-op-sy.0111, message 60

From: "Margaret" <>
Subject: AUT: WTO/GAT parody (2 articles) 09.11.2001
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 10:35:34 +1100

*** WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION: A fake WTO website - - has been
created to deceive Internet users by copying the entire official WTO
website. While the design is identical, the texts have been distorted. The
fake site also uses the email address

The use of WTO designs, logos and materials is strictly unauthorized. Worse,
some pages on the fake website could cause unsuspecting visitors to reveal
their email addresses and other information to the site's operators. The
fake site could also be picked up by search engines, a nuisance for serious
users looking for genuine information. The only official WTO site is

** HERE IS SOME OF THE MATERIAL the WTO thinks might mislead readers.
Remember: these are the people who think they should run the world:

"Much has been made lately of IBM's participation in the Holocaust. Indeed,
IBM proactively and creatively helped the Nazis identify all of Germany's
Jews, which in turn made possible the biggest slaughter of all time. Today,
however, another Holocaust is taking place: it goes by the name of "distrust
of big business," and it is every bit as terrible as the last. Read the
report . . .

"PROTESTERS RICH, STUDY SHOWS: A new study shows that the special-interest
lobbyists attending the Seattle, Prague, Nice, Davos, and other
demonstrations come from population sectors that have freedom and money to
travel, putting them in a different class from those sectors of the
developing world they pretend to defend. Read the report . . .

anti-globalization efforts are escalating to a level that is already
tasteless, and could in short order become dangerous to the continued
progress of economic forces. The recent impersonations of WTO officials are
an unfortunate case in point.
Read about these activities.

Subject:  For more irreverent humour from YES!
Recent Urban Acculturation Seminar in Paris

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