File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2003/aut-op-sy.0301, message 59

From: "chris wright" <>
Subject: Re: AUT: Fwd: It's official: struggle is healthy
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 11:30:28 -0600

I think the report is a great message.  I have always thought it was no
accident that the 90 yearl old CP types I knew were active and vigorous in
ways that no other older folks I knew were.  They had a sense of purpose and
a phsyical vitality uncommon in most older folks.  So why shouldn't it be
good in general?  "Class struggle is good for your health!"  But we need to
make it plain that it is good for your health because capital is unhealthy
at every level and that the struggle against capital is a struggle to live
humanly.  Otherwise some wank is gonna say "See, we need a society of
classes because conflict makes people robust" a la Nietzsche.

And if the yuppies want to go on strikes against capital, more power to
them.  Protest is not the private domain of "revolutionaries" who can check
"authenitc prole" and "authentic communist" cards at the door.  The
proletariat is not an already existing class, but a class which will be
formed out of struggle.  It might even include some anthropologists ;)


> Great. Now we can expect yuppies to hold torchlight rallies instead of
> Thiago.

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