File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2003/aut-op-sy.0306, message 245

From: "Nate Holdren" <>
Subject: AUT: another archive site
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 12:58:30 -0400

here's another extensive archive site I stumbled across, lots of stuff on 
here that's not high on my reading list, but lots of other good stuff as 
well - Bonefeld, Bordiga, Cleaver, Holloway, Negri, Steve Wright (including 
his fine book)

I haven't looked at it closely but when I get a chance in a week or two I'll 
glance through this to pull more links to add to the list of stuff on class 
composition. If others find stuff from here (or elsewhere) that you'd 
recommend on that topic, please send me the links.

Also does anyone know if the Negri essay subtitled Communism and 
Revolutionary Organization (it's a Potere Operai document, printed in 
Revolution Retrieved, the full title escapes me right now, it might be 
Crisis of the Planner State) is available online? I've been reading it and 
finding it helps make Marx beyond Marx clearer - I want to be able to give 
an ecopy to a friend.


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