File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2003/aut-op-sy.0306, message 64

From: "Harald Beyer-Arnesen" <>
Subject: Re: AUT: Free Will???
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 19:40:01 +0200

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Aut-Op-Sy" <>
Sent: 5. juni 2003 16.23
Subject: Re: AUT: Free Will???

Thiago writes:

<< Take the Asiatic MP. When there is change in the technoeconomic
structure in form of the development of largescale waterworks requiring
coordinated controls (never forgetting that for Marx the technoeconomic
structure is made of social relations), a set of effects follow upon the
superstructure, .... >>

A relation is not the same as a simple cause-effect. If you
look a bit closer in what you wrote above, you will find that
you in part explain "the susperstructure" with "the super-
structure". What is this "the technoeconomic structure
being "made of social relations" but the smuggling of the
"the superstructure" back into "the base."

Or is it so that on the first day God created largescale
waterworks, and then came those human beings?

No one doubts that we have to adjust to the world
of our own making, but it thus not follow from this
that there is only one way to adjust to it.

If take this logic to its logical limit, a social revolution will
always be a logical impossibility, as surely "the base" is
not likely to change from one day to another through
some magical trick.


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