File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2004/aut-op-sy.0408, message 1

Subject: Re: AUT: re: blocked posting
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 00:22:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: "malgosia askanas" <>

> But I could do with knowing where I stand.  How do I know if a posting is 
> 40KB or less?  

I don't know.  Depends on what system you're on, what software you have, what
procedure you use to write your messages.  

> Is the geopolitics post on-topic for aut-op-sy?  

How should I know?  Steve encouraged you to resend it and nobody objected, so 
it sounds like they consider it to be on topic, no?  Do YOU think it's on

> And should I stop sending long posts?  Seriously, I need to know before I 
> send out more stuff which gets bounced.

Forgive me, but you're being completely idiotic.  First you say this is the
first time this happened, and then you treat it like some catastrophic event.
What is so catastrophic about being occasionally bounced?  When you write
a post, make sure you have a copy of it.  If it gets bounced, send it in
smaller pieces.  That's what everybody else does.

Also, you claim that you have sent equally long posts in the past, and then
you ask me how you can tell how long a post is.  How do you know, then, that
the previous ones were equally long?  

I think we have now spent 10 times more time and bandwidth discussing this 
piddling event of your post being bounced than it is worth.  You could have
simply written back to the Spoon Collective a courteous, one-sentence letter 
asking for clarification.  But why have simplicity and courtesy when one can
have self-inflation and puffballness, if I may coin a bad neologism.


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