File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2004/aut-op-sy.0408, message 14

Subject: AUT: Reading Group Generation
Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2004 17:54:44 +0100
From: Arianna Bove <>

Reading Group Generation

Please circulate widely - apologies for cross dressing

We are pleased to announce a new generation online collaborative reading
project. We hope to continue the success of our previous detailed 
studies of books like Negri and Hardt's Empire this summer by picking 
up Paolo Virno's recently translated 'A Grammar of the Multitude'. This 
short and accessible text might be light in comparison to much of the 
material we have taken up in the past, but it sports some deft 
theoretical punches which will be invaluable to our prospective reading 
of the much anticipated sequel to Empire: 'Multitudes: war and 
democracy in the age of empire' in the coming months.

What is the relation between multitude, people and state? What is the
creative potential of 'multitude' as a common name? How do the 
sociology of work, the critique of production and the crisis of 
representation combine in this idea of subjectivity. Where and by what 
means is power constituted in 'post-fordist' times and what of capital 
and resistance is displaced and reformed by this transition?

A reading group is currently forming to read the Virno, details of 
which can be found below. Copies or extracts of the book may well 
circulate in electronic form. Subscriptions are welcomed from any 
willing quarter although we do encourage participation in list 
discussion, and in particular the translation and circulation of 
relevant texts. The list is cared for by individuals otherwise engaged 
as writers, programmers, academics and translators and unemployed 
layabouts variously located in geographical and virtual space. Although 
many different shades of opinion will be represented on the list we 
share a commitment to reasonable debate whilst debating the reasonable. 
Please take the time to join and enrich this experience.

Arianna Bove
Erik Empson
Pier Paolo Frassinelli
Matteo Mandarini
Thomas Seay
Soenke Zehle

To subscribe to the reading group follow the instructions here:

To view the publisher's information for Virno's book*:

* Paolo Virno, A Grammar of the Multitude - Semiotext(e) MIT Press, 2004

For other information, texts and resources please visit:

     --- from list ---


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