File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2004/aut-op-sy.0408, message 149

Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 10:45:21 EDT
Subject: AUT: Sat. 8/28 Youth/Student Conference, NYC

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Dear youth/student organizer/activist,

As part of the Summer 4 Justice, we are coordinating participation and 
transportation to the Books Not Bombs Youth and Student conference, Saturday, August 
28th in New York City.

On August 28, two days before the Republican Convention kicks off, young 
people from across the country will come together in New York for a one-day 
convergence. At the Books not Bombs conference there will be chances to get to know 
other youth and find out about each other's work. Conversations of strategy 
and vision, issue workshops, and skills trainings will all be components of the 
conference. During the Books not Bombs conference we will provide free food, 
help with housing, and information about the upcoming protests. All young 
people and students are welcome. Unlike the Republican National Convention, you 
will not have to pay to get in.

Do you have experience organizing youth/students for social justice? Would 
you like to share your skills with other youth/student organizers from around 
the country? We are working with youth from the northeast to put together 
workshops for the Books Not Bombs conference. This is a good opportunity to learn 
from other activists and let people know about what you are doing. Whether you 
beat box or organize the block, come and share your skills at the Books not 
Bombs conference. 

Tell youth about this unique opportunity! Even if you do not have an idea for 
a particular workshop, we are looking for youth/students who are interested 
in joining panels and workshops that are already planned but are still open to 
more perspectives from our region and different organizations. 

After the Books Not Bombs convergence there are many other youth events 
taking place in the city. On Sunday, August 29th, we will take the streets of 
Manhattan to declare The World Says No to the Bush Agenda! Be part of making 
history as we mobilize potentially the largest protest in New York. Join the 
powerful youth contingent at this march. In addition to the weekend activities, there 
will be large mobilizations on Monday, August 30th including the biggest 
hip-hop summit ever. On Tuesday, August 31st, young people will come together for 
marches, speak outs, street theater and cultural festivals of youth 
resistance. For more details and more events, check out the calendar on our website: 

Let us know if you are interested in coming to New York to be part of the 
youth contingent in the protests or if you want be part of a workshop at the 
conference. We are helping people coordinate transportation, childcare and 
housing. Workshop space and housing spots are filling up fast, so contact us soon! 
Call Camilo 508-837-9167 or email:

If you are unable to make it to the conference but would like join our 
networking list-serve or if you would like to find out about the Youth Unite 2 Fight 
event that we organized during the Boston Social Forum last month you can 
visit our website:


Camilo Viveiros
Summer 4 Justice

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