File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2004/aut-op-sy.0408, message 190

Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 12:50:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: mj <>
Subject: Re: AUT: Fwd: [VT_THEORY] on empire and negri

Martin Hardie <> wrote:

On Thursday 26 August 2004 18:54, mj wrote:
> As for Martin's point, 

no I didn't. maybe there's something wrong with the browser I'm using, but it didn't put that in quotes. Steve said it was "your" point. we all know it's Hardt and Negri's point, and I personally think it's fucking stupid: taken in a weak form, it's totally facile (revolutionary strategies such as aspiration to "organizational forms" must take into account the unique way production is structured at that particular moment); taken in a strong form it lends itself to very sketchy lines of thinking about periodization and historical analogy that obliterate questions of creativity and agency in the revolutionary struggle.

 I never tried to suggest that wobblies and anarchists should be 
blurred out of the picture. Jeez. 

I didn't think so at all. I was responding to Steve who gave the IWW as THE example of a more horizontalist worker movement contemporary to the Bolshies... we really don't have to look that far afield.


Maybe another way to tackle it is to wonder if 
Wobblies and Anarchists are examples of forms of organisation that are 
consonant with the modernist form of production (can i call it that without a 
stream of abuse??)

(i'll steer clear of that last question...)

I'm not sure whether "anarchism" any more than "communism" is a form of organization--you'd really have to look at separate anarchist movements. Syndicalism (and its historic anarcho-syndicalist minority) might be accused of being more of a static organizational ideology, but "anarchism" as a whole...? I don't know. Hey, how do people on this list feel about "worker's councils"? 


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