File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2004/aut-op-sy.0408, message 211

Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 18:49:23 -0700 (PDT)
From: andrew robinson <>
Subject: AUT: Deleuze and fascism

I got the feeling there was a distinction in D&G between micro and macrofascism.  Macrofascism is the social-movement type - the Hitler or Mussolini fascism - whereas microfascism is an organisation of desire, which can either become part of macro- (or "molar") fascism or of a number of other authoritarian assemblages.
I think fascism is more of an interest of Guattari's than Deleuze's, and he's written a couple of short papers that interested people should check out, where he discusses in more detail what "fascism" is and how the molar and micro levels interrelate.  For instance, he says that Italian, German and Spanish fascism of the historical kinds all involved different social arrangements and different arrangements of desire, and had in common only a certain driving-force which was the "abstract machine" of fascism.  This "abstract machine" in each case attached itself to different social elements to construct a molar fascism.  "The different totalitarian systems have produced different formulae for controlling the desire of the masses, to suit the changes in productive forces and production relations.  We have to try to analyse its "machinic composition", which is a bit like analysing something's chemical composition, but in this case it is a social chemistry of desire running not only
 through History, but also through the whole expanse of society".  Guattari then suggests that the molecular composition of fascism in fact occurs in its molecular form throughout society, including in trade unions, political parties, etc.  It is this molecular fascist arrangement of desire which allows molar fascisms to exist.  But it only produces molar fascism in particular circumstances; Guattari then provides a more-or-less psychoanalytic explanation of Hitler's appeal.  This is from his essay "The Micro-Politics of Fascism" which is in the book "Molecular Revolution" pp. 217-29.  
There's also another piece called "Everybody Wants to be a Fascist", which I vaguely remember having seen in the past but can't remember very well.  A quick search on Dogpile search engine reveals it's in the collection "Chaosophy" by Guattari.  It's described by the publishers as "perennially provocative".
By the way (and off the subject), this just appeared when I tried to find out where "Everybody Wants to be a Fascist" is printed:
Fascist at eBay UK
Low Priced Fascist. Big Selection! (aff)
Sponsored by:
What a classic case of capitalist axiomatisation of every desire!  Now you can even buy your own fascist tyrant online!  (Actually it probably just comes up the same whatever you do a search for, but still, it's indicative of how capitalism keeps the same general structure but tries to incorporate every particularity as a tradeable element...)
Everybody wants to be a fascist.  Even eBay.
Here are the results of an eBay search:
For sale:  Used TYRANT Saddam Hussein
For sale, 1 used fascist tyrant, complete with ferret moustache.  Effective for all your genocide/poison gassing/war starting needs.  Also serves as a useful scapegoat.  Slight damage due to treatment which does not amount to torture.
Seller:  US_Army.
Starting bid:  $10.00
Current high bidder:  Halliburton_CEO
Slightly damaged.  One ball missing.
Starting bid:  10.00 Euros
Current high bidder:  G_W_Bush
For sale:  Home Demolishing Bulldozer
Specially made for bulldozing people's homes.  As seen in Gaza Strip.
A must-buy for dictators and fascists everywhere!
Hurry!  Due to the increase in atrocities since 911, we only have 2 remaining!
Seller:  Cater_killer1
Current high bidder:  US_Army_in_Iraq
(Well the last one is nearly true, though it's not actually on eBay)

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