File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2004/aut-op-sy.0408, message 245

From: "Thomas Atzert" <>
Subject: AUT: Every tuesday is This Tuesday!
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 10:15:48 +0200

Every tuesday is This Tuesday!

On August 31st, we have launched this weblog. In the next three month we
will update it every tuesday with a selection of edited material on
specific topics in addition to your personal logs on migration, labor and
organizing. Stay tuned!

During and after two international meetings (the Tie-conference in Germany
and the WSIS-we seize events in Geneva) at the end of 2003 the idea was
developed to build up a transnational website on the issues of precarious
labor and migration. The participants of the meetings and later members of
the editorial team came from different continents and different political
and oranizational backgrounds, but all of us agreed on the fact, that it
would be necessary and useful to create a platform for exchange and
communication on a global level, to share experiences and to inspire the
multiplicity of struggle, no matter if local, regional or nation-wide.

In February 2004, during NEURO-networking europe in Munich, we set up a
first version of the website under the domain of THIS TUESDAY. Some
groups, organisations and initiatives had sent presentations of their
work, and we collected first background articles; also the design and
structure of the website got a positive feedback. But besides a few more
articles and informations there was not that much traffic during the last
few months.

Now we start with the second step of THIS TUESDAY: Our aim is not only to
update and to extend the website regularily on every tuesday, but also to
initiate a more interactive process of communication and exchange. From
the very beginning it was clear: THIS TUESDAY should not remain another
more or less interesting archive. The crucial question is, whether and how
a web-based platform may contribute to facilitate the lively exchange and
mutual inspiration on a transnational level. Our aim within the next
months is to open up various debates and campaigns around the field of
precarious work and migration.

"Every tuesday is THIS TUESDAY". On a weekly basis we will present and
portray a different project, campaign or debate. And we hope, that an
increasing number of activists, theorists, researchers and organizers will
participate and use the site for general debates as well as for concrete
practices. So we are looking forward to many comments and contributions!
Editorial Team

Rights for a global subproletariat?

"every tuesday" starts today with a text about the UN-convention for the
protection of the rights of migrant-workers. The article is written by
Corinna Genschel, Thomas Hohlfeld and Dirk Vogelskamp from the comitee for
basic human rights and democracy (Grundrechtekomitee) in Germany and it
refers in its later parts to the european and german context. But the text
touches mainly general estimations and questions concerning the conditions
of migrant workers all over the globe and of course, this UN(!)convention
could be seen as a catalysator for discussions about migrant workers
rights in all continents...

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