File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2004/aut-op-sy.0408, message 3

Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 07:32:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: andrew robinson <>
Subject: AUT: re: blocked email

I know the LENGTH of the posts (in lines/pages).  I don't know the SIZE of the posts.  I know I've sent stuff which was longer than this piece because of how many pages it took when I copied it into, or from, Microsoft Word (which I CAN find out size for, but the size is bigger than for emails).  And if I didn't think something was on-topic, I wouldn't have sent it (obviously!).  Actually I've just discovered that I CAN find out the size of emails, but only apparently after they're sent...
I had assumed I couldn't contact Spoon Collective because usually this kind of bounceback email comes from an automated server which can't be replied to.  I had assumed the initiative was run by the University of Virginia administration and that I'd have no chance of a reply; in any case I wasn't entirely sure who had bounced the email, I just knew where the reply had come from.  So I put out a query to the list to see if anyone knew what was going on.  My fear was that a NEW limit had been introduced in response to complaints about my previous posts, possibly just for this list, but that no-one had bothered contacting me either about my posts being too long, or about the limit being introduced.  This is obviously not what had happened, but as I said before, the circumstances were rather strange.  If I'd known what you've told me now about Spoon Collective, I'd probably have reacted differently, but we are all sometimes faced with incomplete information - this is not the world of
 rational-choice theory, after all.
Of course my actions, directed always at inquiring into power-relations and uninformed by the codes of normality which as often as not I don't even know, will sometimes seem to go against other people's standards of courtesy.  So what?  Normal people's actions often seem disrespectful to me, whether this is intended or not, so it runs both ways.  It's about time normal people learnt that people will not always react to their actions the way they expect, and that some people are more touchy about certain things than they are.  The struggle for mad liberation is a long and hard one, and is not helped by characterological labelling.
If I can resubmit in smaller pieces and if no-one is accusing me of posting off-topic then this is really a fuss about nothing, but since the situation was never explained to me, I don't think I can really be blamed for the way I reacted.

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