File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2004/aut-op-sy.0408, message 32

Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 14:37:00 +0200
From: "Tahir Wood" <>
Subject: AUT: Cleaver 1992 paper request

Harry, if you're there I wonder if you can help me locate a paper of yours. I came across it once and then when I tried to find it again on the web I couldn't. I don't know the title, but it's from 1992 and I have pasted some chunks of text from it below, which might stir your memory. If you or anyone can point me to a URL for this I'd be grateful.

Cleaver (1992)
… new technologies that raise the organic composition of capital and allow a reorganization of production and the decomposition of working class power … 
transforming Fordist mass production, such as manufacturing mechanization in the form of computer controlled robotization which has allowed the replacement of assembly line production with flexible, just-in-time, small batch production managed by a new kind of worker …
not only in old, high-waged plants that are enabled to lay off redundant workers, but also in the new, displaced manufacturing plants in the Third World, where a much lower-waged labor force is proving itself quite able to manage such production processes
… reorganization of information flows (including those involved in the genesis of science and technology itself) through increasingly decentralized but complex webs of computer linked communication …

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