File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2004/aut-op-sy.0408, message 50

From: "Lowe Laclau" <>
Subject: Re: AUT: Marazzi's La Place des Chaussettes
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2004 14:09:33 -0400

Il Posto dei Calzini? This is an earlier book? Not seen it before. Can you or Steve give me a brief synopsys of what it covers? They've also recently published in French 'Et Vogue L'Argent' . But its been out since 2002 in German as Fetisch Geld. From what I understood from the cover of that book it was something along the lines of Doug Henwoods book critiquing 'New Economy' ideology, but I could be wrong. It gives me headaches reading in German. But yes, very little or very slow with producing English translations in these fields. Is there so little interest there? And its not just the Italian, but even a lot of the contemporary French economic and labor related literature I never see in English, nor in Spanish. If I thought there'd be any money in it I'd try doing it myself. Anyhow, thanks.



>From: Enda Brophy <> 

>Reply-To: aut-op-sy-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU 

>To: aut-op-sy-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU 

>Subject: Re: AUT: Marazzi's La Place des Chaussettes 

>Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 10:23:09 -0700 



>On Thursday, Aug 5, 2004, at 06:31 America/Vancouver, Lowe Laclau 



>>Just found a copy online of Christian Marazzi's "La Place des 

>>Chaussettes". Its in french, so sorry if you don't read it. Has 

>>anyone here read it? 



>I finally managed to pick it up over in Italy after having read 

>Capitale & Linguaggio (2001) and a few other smaller articles, and 

>I'm most of the way through it at this point.  I find him really 

>useful, mainly because his economics gives him a good vantage point 

>through which to evaluate post-Fordist capital.  it's funny though - 

>as is often the case with what Bifo refers to as post-operaismo, 

>it's difficult at times to disentangle him from Lazzarato, Virno, 

>Bifo, etc, who tend to riff on each other's ideas quite regularly.   

>What ultimately brings these writers together is their attention to 

>the role of language/communication in composition, but he manages to 

>add his own critique via a more empirical analysis of pension funds, 

>stock ownership, etc. 


>as Steve has suggested elsewhere, Il Posto dei Calzini is certainly 

>a candidate for the top 10  autonomist pieces in need of 







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