File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2004/aut-op-sy.0408, message 6

Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 23:05:14 +0100 (BST)
From: Jon Beasley-Murray <>
Subject: AUT: re: blocked posting

Andy, as the member of the spoon collective currently handling the
administratrivia, I can reveal that it was I who informed you that your
post had been blocked because it was too long.  I signed my email to you
and all, as I do all such message, "Jon, for the spoon collective."  I
further suggested that you find another means of distributing your text.

This is the approach I take to all such postings.  Nothing about your or
this particular post.

(Meanwhile, I'm sorry but I didn't see your original complaint to the
aut-op-sy list, as my Manchester account seems to be playing up, and I
have yet to receive that copy of the digest; on the other hand, as I'm on
the road right now, in Chile, I'm only at best skimming the list.  However
I am currently reading and responding to all mail sent to the spoon
collective address.  As of tomorrow, however, another member of the
collective will be taking over from me.)

Take care


Jon Beasley-Murray

Latin American Studies
University of Manchester

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