File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2004/aut-op-sy.0408, message 75

From: ".: s0metim3s :." <>
Subject: RE: AUT: Marazzi's La Place des Chaussettes
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 13:29:52 +1000


: something to the effect that 'perhaps
: the hierarchical nature of the
: Bolshevik organization is why the
: Bolshevik's ended up recreating the
: state', which from what I've been told
: is a fairly critical thing for
: Negri to say about Lenin etc. (Of
: course nowhere near critical enough
: for my own sectarian tastes...)

Nor mine.  Negri's 'crit' of Lenin doesn't seem to
much further than 'Leninism was an adequate form
of organisation then, but not now.'  I'd be
interested if anyone knows of anything more
substantial (ie., actually critical) than this.

I do have a specific question Nate.  Do they still
talk about global citizenship and the basic
income?  If so, is it a repeat of the way they
talk about them in _Empire_?


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