File spoon-archives/aut-op-sy.archive/aut-op-sy_2004/aut-op-sy.0408, message 79

From: "Lowe Laclau" <>
Subject: RE: AUT: Multitudes
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2004 07:46:41 -0400


Negri has a much more detailed 'critique' of Lenin in the second to last chapter of Insurgencies and in that paper he delivered at Zizek's conference on Lenin. I forget the title now but there is a copy of it in some language floating around the internet. 



>From: ".: s0metim3s :." <> 

>Reply-To: aut-op-sy-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU 

>To: <aut-op-sy-AT-lists.village.Virginia.EDU> 

>Subject: RE: AUT: Marazzi's La Place des Chaussettes 

>Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 13:29:52 +1000 





>: something to the effect that 'perhaps 

>: the hierarchical nature of the 

>: Bolshevik organization is why the 

>: Bolshevik's ended up recreating the 

>: state', which from what I've been told 

>: is a fairly critical thing for 

>: Negri to say about Lenin etc. (Of 

>: course nowhere near critical enough 

>: for my own sectarian tastes...) 


>Nor mine.  Negri's 'crit' of Lenin doesn't seem to 

>much further than 'Leninism was an adequate form 

>of organisation then, but not now.'  I'd be 

>interested if anyone knows of anything more 

>substantial (ie., actually critical) than this. 


>I do have a specific question Nate.  Do they still 

>talk about global citizenship and the basic 

>income?  If so, is it a repeat of the way they 

>talk about them in _Empire_? 





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