Subject: Re: SI (addendum) To: Date: Sat, 14 May 94 11:00:16 PDT Cc: (me) I meant to do this little bit of close reading in the last post as a demonstration of how Tad Kepley's words had been amenable to a reading with which he is unhappy enough to tell me that I cannot read. Forgot to do it there, but will do it here and will then drop all this. Here's the exchange on the SI's 'transformative' agenda: >> >> > Isn't it slightly defeatist >> >> >> to concentrate on the sphere of poetics for transformation at the expense >> >> >> of the "real" substrate of economics/politics? >> >> > >> >> >Resoundingly yes. >> >> >> >> Could one request elaboration on this? Should one take this as a >> >> claim that the SI was "resoundingly...defeatist"? In what sense? >> > >> >"concentrate on the sphere of poetics for tranformation" ??!! Maybe we're >> >not talking about the same sits, here, guys... Here Tad Kepley seems to imagine he's made crystal clear what he's arguing about the SI's position re: the original questions concerning the possibility of radical social change and the most appropriate sphere/s within which to carry this out--as he points out in his subsequent post, he means here "No, the sits are not resoundingly defeatist re: radical transformation because they do not concentrate on the sphere of poetics, but instead understand such transformation as being about the economic as well" but this is not what he says. Having come across more than one or two folks in my time who seem to fit fairly straightforwardly in the "Generation X, soi disant nihilist, nothin' ever changes but one can still be hip by droppin' the proper avant-garde names at the right times" social type and having heard more than a few of them rant about how the SI was *really* much too hip to care much about revolution and Marx and all that but were *actually* just a sort of cool 50s-60s version of today's 'radical' and disaffected youth, I wondered if in Tad Kepley's words above he was saying "No, the sits were not concentrating on transformation" since he had already answered "yes" to a question about whether the sort of work the SI was largely engaged in (that is, 'poetics', making movies, writing essays/books, making art), at least for a certain period of time, was "defeatist". *This* comment seemed just the sort of comment I have heard from the avant garde radical chic folks I mention above, so I asked for clarifications. Tad Kepley responded with more murkiness. Tad Kepley may now rightly say that I was assuming his remarks might fit to a mold which he might argue doesn't fit him well. He will however also perhaps notice the number of times I requested clarification before making even any veiled accusations that he might be one of those avant-garde hipsters and notice as well his enigmatic responses to same. He might then perhaps think for one or two seconds longer the next time he contemplates accusing someone (even an academician, a group we know from Tad Kepley's righteous and 'unsullied by the evils of academia' earlier words merits only his undying contempt) of being unable to read and instead wonder how well he has expressed himself. Tristan
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