File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1994/avant.may2.94, message 14

Subject: Re: SI resoundingly defeatist
Date: Sat, 14 May 94 11:08:33 PDT

Judith Frederika Rodenbeck writes:
>TR: Precisely the problem with current recuperations of the SI is the
>sanitizing of "poetics" into production of objects and thus reading the SI
>through its artifacts. (There's a Jorn museum, BTW, in Silkeborg, where
>you can arrange screenings of one of Debord's films, I can't remember
>which one, and where a lot of SI stuff is archived. The Library of
>Congress apparently has an impressive collection, too.)

I'm quite aware of "current recuperations of the SI", inasmuch as
there are one or two folks in the visual arts department here who
purport (occasionally) to be doing 'situationist' work (minus the
barricades, of course).  I hope my recent posts to the list and Tad
Kepley makes clear(er) the points of misunderstanding on this thread.



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