File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1994/avant.may2.94, message 2

Date: Sun, 8 May 1994 18:33:33 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: "Rave" Not an Effective (or Meaningful) Counter-Culture Mov

On Fri, 29 Apr 1994 MORDOUBADIAN-AT-ACAD1.MTSU.EDU wrote:

> Is not dance a way of experiencing one's embodied being and creating community which leads to strength and empowerment? Alternative ways of meeting the same need often result in meaningless violence and S/M behaviors.The body will not allowmind tyranny.M

S/M behaviors are also a way of experiencing one's body. The state, in a 
bid to further control the pleasures which are available without cost to 
the population as well as to further control reproductive activities has 
banned many forms of sexual expression as unnatural, dangerous or 
otherwise sick. This interferance has been accompanied with the usual 
pro-state PR which supports the (white, english speaking, heterosexual) 
family by setting it in opposition to a group of behaviors it describes 
as S/M. However, there is no section of the population which is so 
thouroughly trained in the "sick" sexual activities of rape as an element 
of peace-keeping (otherwise known as war) and development work (otherwise 
known as neo-colonialist control), or so highly trained in ritualized and 
hysterical murder as the government itself - in the prisons, camps, EPZs 
and freed territories that girdle the globe. The state only knows these 
types of activities - not consensual behaviors - hence its bizarre and 
wharped description of S/M. Lets not confuse these things.


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