Subject: Re: SI To: Date: Mon, 16 May 1994 02:31:23 -0500 (CDT) Judith Frederika Rodenbeck writes: > > On Sun, 15 May 1994, Michael Current wrote: > > > So how is Nancy, anyway? > > So who's Nancy? > > -fido Um, like, she hung out with Sid. (For further info, see the writings of that dreadful right-wing curmudgeon Greil Marcus and his friends). Thanks for the info. I haven't done that much with SI stuff, and most of it was in a seminar I took several lifetimes ago. I remember Jorn from your description, but I'm quite sure you told me more than I ever knew about him. Thanks again. Michael -- ---------------------------Michael J. Current---------------------------- -or- -or- Specializing in Philosophy, Queer Studies, Depression, & Unemployment :) 737 - 18th Street, #9 * Des Moines, IA * 50314-1031 *** (515) 283-2142 "AN IMAGE OF THOUGHT CALLED PHILOSOPHY HAS BEEN FORMED HISTORICALLY AND IT EFFECTIVELY STOPS PEOPLE FROM THINKING." - GILLES DELEUZE --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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