File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1994/avant.may2.94, message 21

Date: Mon, 16 May 94 08:55:18 EDT
Subject: SI/LI Texts

>From: (Bradley J. Finlay)
>Does anyone out there know where I can get my hands on and
>Situationist/Lettrist texts.  Either on-line or from any publishers.  I'm
>looking for the more obscure stuff other than The S. O. T. S. and others.
>Thanks in advance,

Well, I don't know how "obscure" you mean, but I think you can get just
about any Sit-related stuff in print from:

Perennial Books
P.O. Box B-14
Montague, MA 01351

You might check out the recently translated "Enrages and Situationists
in the Occupations Movement, Paris, May '68," published by Autonomedia.
Tad was involved in the production of that one, btw.



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