File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1994/avant.may2.94, message 7

Subject: SI
Date: Thu, 12 May 94 16:47:25 PDT

Tad Kepley writes:
>On Thu, 12 May 1994, Mark Evenson wrote:
>  Isn't it slightly defeatist
>> to concentrate on the sphere of poetics for transformation at the expense
>> of the "real" substrate of economics/politics?
>Resoundingly yes.

Could one request elaboration on this?  Should one take this as a
claim that the SI was "resoundingly...defeatist"?  In what sense?  

> These guys weren't 
>late-twentieth century self-hating collegians (even though they _did_ write 
>some pretty stupid stuff about the Newark and LA riots).

Perhaps more elaboration here on the connection between "self-hating
collegians" and SI writings on Watts? And why "stupid stuff"? 



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