File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1996/96-12-23.023, message 193

Date: Sun, 22 Dec 96 12:09 PST
From: (Jeremiah.......the Silex)
Subject: Re: Is elaboration passe'?

>>>>>>natural => not human, what??
>>>>>>what you believe it to be.
>>>>>Short answers abstract.
>>>>>Is truth a matter of belief?
>>>>"Both belief and denial throw existence into question."
>>>>                 --Carla Harryman, "Toy Boats"
>>>>So truth wouuld have something to do with the >affirmation of existence?
>>>"If you don't know, why do you ask?" --David Tudor
>>>If one does not ask how are they to know?
>>. . .what reply does one make to someone who says: "I believe it merely
>>strikes you as if you knew it?" --Ludwig Wittgenstein
>>Yet we know that there are things that can be said that are non-sensical,
>>might not truth therefor only exist in the realm of the >sensical,
>"A belief may be a necessary condition of life and still be false."

Metamorphosis (sublimation and symbolization) consists, for each thing, in
the liberation of an aliquid which is the noematic attribute and that which
can noetically be expressed, eternal truth, and sense which hovers over bodies.
--Gilles Deleuze

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