File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1997/97-02-19.172, message 110

Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 15:42:20 -0600
From: ann klefstad <>
Subject: Re: ostrow -

Brace wrote:
> Digital culture is as much about wider access and
>distribution as it is about new tools.)
>Time to move-on.
I live in a place where some people don't have phones (too expensive) and
the $2,000 setup and $300 yr. fee for digital stuff can be about one-third
median income. I work for entities all over the country, so I'm not subject
to these economics, but I'm real conscious of them. Large parts of the world
are much less able to afford this price tag, and lack the infrastructure to
support computers anyway. This is "wider access"? I love you postmarxisttype
dudes! I know we all should make a lotta money, and it's our own fault if we
don't, but . .  . 

Besides, a whole lot a this net stuff is read-only anyway.  An audience is
still an audience. 


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