File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1998/avant-garde.9802, message 1

Subject: FW: [American_Express] amex virus
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 1998 13:03:32 +0200

Virus warning

>> VIRUS  WARNING !!!!!!  If you receive an email titled "JOIN AMERICAN
>> NOT open it.  It will erase everything on your hard drive. Forward
>> letter out to as many people as you can. This is a new, very malicious
>virus and
>> not many people know about it. This information was announced
> yesterday
>> morning from IBM; please share it with everyone that might  access the
>> internet. Once again, pass this along to EVERYONE in your  address
>so that this may
>> be stopped. Also, do not open or  even  look at any mail that says
>> "RETURNED OR UNABLE TO DELIVERY" This  virus  will attach itself to
>> components and render them  useless. Immediately delete any mail items
>> say this. AOL has said that this is a very dangerous virus and that
>> is NO remedy for it at this time.
>> Please practice cautionary measures and forward this to all users.

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