File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1998/avant-garde.9802, message 19

Date: Thu, 12 Feb 1998 20:54:35 +1100
Subject: Re: addendum

will wrote:

> check it out...
>   carrington was interesting but look at her images...

yes? and? which part of her images do you object to? which painting.. what in

> you tell me that these waifs are not neurotic...

waifs. child, weak. neurotic. freud, charcot... she is hysterical? madness is
genius in the male? it is innate is the female? this is petty dualism. move

> the struggle for equity,
> even in art, ought not to be disingenouusly pursued...

ought not? the stuggle for equity should be prescribed? what of tactics,
systems of resistance?

do you write manifestos? it would not surprise me at all if you did.


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