File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1998/avant-garde.9806, message 44

Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 22:12:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: { brad brace } <>
Subject: Re: avant-garde failing-fortune

	` Well, hello, yet-again; I'm that angry, nasty, fence-sitting,
old-world specimen: the slash artist/critic. I've been paid a proud
pittance to tirelessly promote this insular, tired, white-western-centrist
"art-historical" dogma in obscure but suitably pretentious
"artworld-magazines." I've been indoctrinated into, and occasionally
tolerated by, this blinkered, smug curatorial-class. They coyly pander to
my increasingly irrelevant and overbearing, authoritarian sense of
"expertise," by encouraging me to parasitically extract and explicate
whatever vitality might remain in the "critically sanctioned" 
artist-of-the-month. The art-gallery advertisers and supporting
institutions just love-it, and anxiously await their turn! I simply can't
afford to realize that this hopelessly-linear, neo-western, art-historical
fable has unabashedly mutated into unimaginative, inappropriate,
contentious nonsense. My artworld buddies (colleagues) and I, simply
*must* continue to have the last word on all matters that we deem
"culturally significant." That's our singular, self-serving story, and
we're sticking-to-it, even in this new global age of the informed,
impassioned amateur... suddenly, there are way too many other pesky,
conflicting stories and troublesome histories; all-this amidst a growing
disdain for the old-artworld cabal and its "art-experts!"  We (and you),
will have none of that! Our wanning credibility has long since snapped and
we are sorely vexed by other voices. I've become merely another grumpy,
gnarled prospector, long since out-of-art... 

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