Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 22:26:14 +0200 Subject: Re: virtuosity At 09:31 -0700 06-07-1998, { brad brace } wrote: >Let us be artists without trying. >Ideas can get by without Art. >We should be wary of Art: it is often merely Virtuosity. >(Erik Satie) > >/:b > > Hi, could i get the original quote in French, or at least the place where to find it. thnxs Erik ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Erik Buelinckx DTP _ freelance desktop publisher _____________ tel 32 +2 241 28 81 fax 32 +2 215 47 33 _____ "the urge to destroy is also a creative urge" (michael bakounin) _____ ____________________________________________________________________________ --- from list ---
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