File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1998/avant-garde.9807, message 51

Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 13:17:42 -0400
Subject: Re: charlatans

>Class Lessons:

	the  very idea that gradations of esthetic achievement exist, and
>        that "art" exists as opposed to entertainment, are themselves
>        attacked as antidemocratic, self-indulgent and bourgeois. So
>        in recent years the bourgeoisie has been attacked from below
>        as well as from above. Once the bourgeoisie was blamed for
>        enshrining kitsch; now the bourgeoisie is also blamed for
>        enshrining art. Once the bourgeoisie was scorned for lacking
>        elite taste; now the bourgeoisie is also scorned for claiming
>        to possess it.  The Middle-class on the other hand has always been
>a bit duplicitous in that it  yearns for comfort while aspiring to wider
>knowledge and experience.
>        That is also the kind of art it often inspired one  meant to reflect
their identification of the  bourgeois though actually, it reflecting their
self loathing

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