File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1998/avant-garde.9807, message 7

Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 22:21:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: the H&H manifesto

On Wed, 1 Jul 1998, malgosia askanas wrote:

> Wouldn't you say, BTW, that Christo's Reichstag wrapping project, with the years
> of negotiations leading to the final wrapping, was making an artistic statment
> within the political world?
	Yes I would. I'm glad you mentioned Christo. He serves as an
interesting contrast to the H&H type statement (if we can keep picking on
them), because he actually works with and respects the people and forms of
the political world. Its political and beautiful at the same time. I 
quite admire it.
	What I meant earlier about making an artistic statement in a
political context was that it (the H&H manifesto) was purely artistic and
badly political (ie. doesn't respect the forms of politics, if I could put
it that way). A "misformed" political utterance that doesn't obey the
"grammar" of politics and consequently won't be heard or will be heard as
nonsense (to use this linguistics analogy). 


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