File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1998/avant-garde.9808, message 89

Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 17:53:33 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: eno        

has some kind of performance here, a stage, some kind of tropicAL MEUBLEMENT,
I want MINIX here, two persons speaking, smoking, drinking longdrinks, fancy
gear, a ghettoblaster, a PA playing music, it started 8 o clock and I came
half past 9, the lush forum of this HOLLein museum, eno lights, looked like
some Robert Wilson setting, but it was only Eno and some Radio type interviewer,
with exellent knowledge of interviews of other people, what other peple say
about music, eno etc. It realy looked like some nonsense theater in the first ameublement, what they did put into the ghetto blaster......

Eno spoke about composing, making something and removing all bad bits, like
an iceberg and the threashold of taste around.......

And money, why people spend money on records, eno music

Not being in an ambient mood.......

Reminded me very much to some topics of this list, links to some english
activities of the thirties: a book with 100 people who say exactely how they 
get their money and how they spend it

Didnt liked what how he explained it: every body speaks abot his sexlife etc
but not of his money. Maybe this comparison isnt bad.

Yesterday I saw a video from vienna, Wiener Brut, with Peter Weibel as
Schwarzkappler, those who control tickets in the tube.


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