Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 17:50:59 -0400 Subject: NEXT ASCI MTG. -AT- the void............ this Thurs. 10/22 (8pm) >X-Sender: >Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 15:56:06 -0400 >To: >From: "Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI)" <> >Subject: NEXT ASCI MTG. -AT- the void............ this Thurs. 10/22 > (8pm) >Mime-Version: 1.0 > >OCT. 22.... ASCI MEMBERS MEETING in SoHo (open to colleagues) > >Time: 8pm sharp >Where: "the void" , 16 Mercer St.... (corner of Howard) > (1block north of Canal /due north of Perl Paint) > Site has a bar in the back, video/Web projection wall in front... > (buy a drink to show our gratitude for "free" meeting space!) > >Theme: "Deep Space"........ ASCI members inspired by this subject >will present current projects or project ideas (need collaborators). So if you >are a technologist or scientist and want to collaborate.... please join us! >Slides, video, URL sites will be shown. If you would like to be included in >the program, contact Ed Martin immediately 212 349-2371. If you would >like to be included in any future mtg. presentations (below), please email >Sally Minker <> > > >***UP-COMING MEETING SCHEDULE: (((the 4th Thurs. of each month))) >Nov. 27 (Thanksgiving)................(((no meeting)))) >Dec. 24 (almost Xmas)................(((no meeting))) >Jan. 28 VIDEO (bring a couple of cued VHS tapes 3-5min. long) >Feb. 25 OPEN MEMBERS SCREENING >Mar 25 LIGHT ART >April 22 SOUND ART >Cynthia Pannucci >Founder/Director >Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI) >****Celebrating its 10th Anniversary**** > >718 816-9796; >PO Box 358, Staten Island, NY 10301 >URL: > --- from list ---
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