File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1999/avant-garde.9904, message 16

Subject: project liz3000
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 16:20:58 +0100

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am a student of Nottingham Trent University, studying Contemporary Arts. I
am writing to request assistance with my latest project: Liz3000.

My aim of this project is to receive 3000 e-mails on one day.
30 years ago the average human being communicated with 3000 people in their
lifetime. With the development of new technologies this can be done
unintentionally with the enhancement of the Internet and e-mail systems.
This project is to make the communication conscious, by getting 3000 people
to e-mail me in one day. 

I would be grateful if you could be one of the 3000, and e-mail me on
Wednesday 21st April 1999, with a brief description of the last time you
communicated with someone. It could be anything from having a conversation
with your next-door neighbour over the garden fence to receiving a page.

If you could participate with me in this project I would be very grateful.
As 3000 is a large number could you please tell your friends and family to
join in and give them this e-mail address to send me the messages any time
(Great Britain time) on that day:

If this project is successful, I would like to publish the messages as a
book on the Internet. Therefore your name and addresses will remain

You are only required to send one message and if you could address the
e-mail to 'Lizzy', I would be grateful.

Yours sincerely

Elizabeth Whirrity

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