File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1999/avant-garde.9904, message 24

Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 13:19:22 -0400
Subject: Re: Aesthetics?

> There's a big anthology compiled by Dickie called "Aesthetics," and it was
> kind of a standard text for a long time. I'm assuming it's still available.
> Got everyone from Plato to Benjamin to Danto etc. so it gives you a pretty
> good overview of the history of the discipline.

Sorry, I thought it was a bit of a joke.
I ran a web search on WebFerret for the word "aesthetics" and got about 500

Aesthetics Industry - 4 down on the lists on Excite is interesting and has
links to other sites:

But,  seriously... let me suggest WebFerret which is a search engine that
searches search engines (AOL, Euroseek, Excite, InfoSeek, LookSmart, Lycos,, Yahoo) and resides on your computer.  WebFerret is paid for by
advertisements (the aesthetics of media???).  You can download the program for
free from: (a web researcher's
fuzzy little pal).

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