File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1999/avant-garde.9904, message 33

Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 08:40:29 +0100
Subject: Re: avant-noise

In message <>, Barry Smylie
<> writes
>what about a URL?

Yes indeed.

And could anybody help me complete a piece of WebArt by pointing me to a
download point for a good, free, editor application for .mid files ?
 I want to be able to manipulate some files I already have...

>Damien Henderson wrote:
>> I just had to make a recommendation.  I rarely, if ever get to post on
>> this list, but I thought that I might expand some horizons by doing so
>> this time.
>> I'm not quite sure how familiar anyone is with the contemporary
>> avant-garde electronic music syndicate nowadays.  But I have to admit,
>> it's mighty fine.
>> If anyone is interested in this growing trend, inquire into the following
>> outfits:  microstoria, oval, rome, mouse on mars, and the list goes on.
>> If anyone is interested in discussing the intricacies of these bands, or
>> others, and can, in fact, fill me in on some new sounds to consider, I'd
>> be much obliged.
>> --damieN
>>      --- from list ---
>     --- from list ---

Gerald O'Connell

     --- from list ---


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