File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1999/avant-garde.9904, message 43

Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 16:17:49 +0200
Subject: Re: avant-noise

At 15:18 Uhr +0200 on 24.04.1999, you wrote:
>Yes, Yes! Me too!  Only it will have to be for the Mac, in my case.  I
>tried one (Midigraphy, I think) and it was beautifully obtuse, and
>partially in Japanese, but over my techno-head...

I dont know of any better freeware thing for the Mac, I think its much
praised etcpp, but if somebody wants it, there is a for
wintels containing midikeys.exe (and midi2cs and csound !). For
"quantisation" and other manipulations that take away the "human touch"
take "Winjammer", if it must be freeware, the "Shareware" version is very
stable etc.

Midikeys lets you use your PC keyboard as a piano kayboard, yes, it works ;-)

Happy noising !

>>And could anybody help me complete a piece of WebArt by pointing me to a
>>download point for a good, free, editor application for .mid files ?
>> I want to be able to manipulate some files I already have...
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