File spoon-archives/avant-garde.archive/avant-garde_1999/avant-garde.9904, message 49

Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 21:43:21 -0700
Subject: Re: avant-noise

At 12:36 AM +0200 4/26/99, Heiko Recktenwald wrote:

Gerald wrote:

>>do you want a 2.5 MB .wav file of my most recent work (the electronic

>Why dont you make a 250 KB mp3 file out of it ?
>Or even smaller...

I have a really slow modem - just 33.6 and my ISP has been acting up and
things are very sloooow right now.  I'm having a hard time downloading my

I've been trying to download the new quicktime 4 without success this week
because things are so slow.  I'm not going to be able to download your
file, Gerald, too big and I'm working a lot this week.  I actually had a
peep at your homepage and the paintings, fractal-like series, are beautiful.

I think I'll be moving to a cable modem place in the next month or so, so
things may change.


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